what is this?

Pick up scattered flowers to try to make collections of flowers with matching petal amounts, or rising petal counts.
Earn bonus points for matching petal & number, having a single color run, or having seven flowers be all a different color (while all being in the same set)!
Get as high a score as you can!!

Arrow keys to move
Z to pick up
X to drop (press left and right to select flower to drop)

why is this? (dev explanation/log/ramble)

Made in 4 hours and 12ish minutes in PICO-8 for Trijam 219. The version at the approximate three hour mark is included in the downloads in HTML form.

You might be wondering how the heck I managed to get a field of flowers from the theme "Camping". Well, I thought of hiking, then I thought of picking up flowers as you're hiking, and then I thought that was boring, so I thought up the vague "flower poker" mechanic.

The post-time form could've been made within time, but I kept making very stupid mistakes like "oops, that number doesn't fit 16-bit signed" or "oops, that's the wrong table, you were supposed to use pl.flowers instead of flowers".
They were very confusing mistakes, alright?! don't talk to me :(

There was also the tileset. At a certain point early on I realized I couldn't make a vaguely campground-ish map, which means the time I spent making a nifty two-ground tileset was wasted (rather than the one necessary tile, I have 13. ugh).
I'm happy with myself for all of the art. That eeny beany rabbit is cute, and the numbers are neat. And the unused tileset is still pretty good.

There was going to be WAY more. Far too much. The scope I was planning probably would've been more like a full week's worth of coding.
I would've added in other characters that you'd have to outscore, and they'd use the same flowers as you would. There would've been a fairly full campground map. There would've been music (even though I was planning on the music being very small).
The reason I put up the version that's just barely playable is because it's near the state of where I was at 3 hours, while still being resemblant of the vision I had.

This jam was probably good for me in that sense. I'm planning on doing another game jam that's starting during this. Understanding how much a tiny bit is worth is going to do wonders for that jam's scope.

Lastly, it was nice to be able to throw something together super quick. Four hour prototype!! Woo! i should do this again sometime!

(Music I listened to during the jam: Nearly only Jack Stauber. Micropop album, Fighter, Two Time, and HiLo. Went all the way through one day, don't know how much I got through today. Started listening to his music only recently. It's quite the vibey)


3 Hour Version (HTML) 494 kB

Install instructions

Download, unzip folder, double-click the HTML file and run in your Favorite Browser.

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